Friday, September 6, 2013

My Grandson, the Budding Artist

 My Grandson, the Budding Artist
Taken by the artist himself!

 Who would've ever guessed that this precious little guy would be such a young talent?  Well, of course, I did!  What choice did he have since he comes from such a long line of great artistic and musical genes on both sides from his daddy and his mama?   He has always loved to draw, paint, color, and sing!  And he has a remarkable little voice, too.   But I'll save that for another day! 
He has always been able to entertain himself for hours with just markers and paper. 
Notice his determination!

Quite an ability to stay on task at such an early age!

Even at the park, he was drawing in the dirt and sand!
So proud of his fall leaves design in Pre-K!

In Kindergarten he produced this colorful jack-o-lantern while staying with me one afternoon.
Have you ever seen a turkey more ready for Thanksgiving than this?
Rudolph never looked so prepared to lead the way!
He wanted to paint a canvas, and look what he came up with based on his own experiences!

Already thinking outside the box in the first grade!
        His rendition of plants at the Home Depot for his Aunt Amy.     Papa's Christmas present drawn especially for him.

 Again, spending another afternoon at Gamma's entertaining himself!

Isn't this amazing?  He did this when he was in first grade.
His latest creation--what an incredible design for a second grader!

So glad you came by today to soak up some joy from my incredible little artist!   Happy painting and drawing!

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