Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grocery Shopping in Paris

 Grocery Shopping in Paris

We stayed near a few small grocery stores in Paris where we shopped for most of the food we needed for the apartment.  But that didn't mean we didn't browse in every kind of shop imaginable!  There were so many enticing foods available everywhere we turned, so it is a good thing we did a lot of walking!  Every shop had tempting treats, and it was hard not to succumb to all of them.
une épicerie   small grocery store

le marché   farmer's market
le supermarché   supermarket
un hypermarché   superstore, giant supermarket
le magasin de fruits et légumes   greengrocer


la fromagerie   cheese shop

le marchand de vins   wine shop

la confiserie   candy store

la charcuterie   pork butcher

la boulangerie   bakery
la pâtisserie   pastry shop

la poissonnerie   fish store

la boucherie   butcher shop

Specialty shops
While we loved shopping and being in Paris, it was nice to get home to my regular old McDade's or Kroger where I could read the labels and know what I was buying! 


  1. What fun! How long were you in Paris?

  2. All beautiful! You know I have a painting of yours that is of a french market! It hangs right above my kitchen sink and I love it!
